Fuel Mix for Energy distributed by Enemalta plc. in 2023

Fuel mix is the ratio of different fuels or energy sources Enemalta plc. uses to provide electricity to its customers. The fuel mix for the energy distributed by Enemalta plc. to Maltese customers for the year 2023 is displayed in the graphical representation and table below. The CO2 emission factor corresponding to this fuel mix is also provided. For further information regarding the environmental impact of your electricity supply please visit www.enemalta.com.mt or call on 80072224. Enemalta plc. strives to maintain a healthy mix of energy sources to ensure reliable provision of the electricity service, whilst meeting emission limits established by the European Union.

Fuel mix composition of the electricity supplied by Enemalta

Primary sources:     2022 2023
▪ Natural Gas 67.65% 69.09%
▪ Renewables 7.19% 7.48%
▪ Petroleum Products 2.01% 0.58%
▪ Interconnector* 23.15% 22.85%
*Interconnector source: 2022 2023
▪ Natural Gas 68.92% 58.22%
▪ Renewables 9.04% 7.28%
▪ Coal 12.22% 22.77%
▪ Petroleum Products 4.47% 3.76%
▪ Nuclear 2.62% 4.40%
▪ Other 2.73% 3.57%

Environmental impact of the electricity supplied by Enemalta 

2022 2023
▪CO2 emission factor 391g/kWh 396g/kWh

For more information on the environmental impact of your electricity supply visit
www.enemalta.com.mt or call 80072224.

Image – viewingmalta.com