Arrival of a second transformer for Mrieħel DCLorraine Gravino2022-07-20T09:19:29+02:00July 20th, 2022|
A group of employees collects waste from the sea Lorraine Gravino2022-07-06T12:38:05+02:00July 6th, 2022|
The installation of a new transformer at M’Scala distribution centreLorraine Gravino2022-06-22T11:49:19+02:00June 22nd, 2022|
Enemalta is concerned about the health and safety of its employeesLorraine Gravino2022-06-16T08:46:02+02:00June 16th, 2022|
Works on the new Marsascala Distribution Centre is proceeding according to scheduleLorraine Gravino2022-05-19T09:40:24+02:00May 19th, 2022|
Other efforts to safeguard Enemalta’s networkLorraine Gravino2022-05-11T10:58:08+02:00May 11th, 2022|
Collaboration between Enemalta and University of MaltaLorraine Gravino2022-05-06T12:18:48+02:00May 6th, 2022|