Enemalta addresses faults to high tension distribution system Lorraine Gravino2020-08-04T20:19:40+02:00August 4th, 2020|
The high voltage pylons removal project progressed into it’s second phaseLorraine Gravino2020-08-01T16:35:24+02:00June 24th, 2020|
Burial of the repaired section of the Interconnector cable Lorraine Gravino2020-04-29T18:30:36+02:00April 29th, 2020|
Prime Minister Robert Abela visits Delimara Power Station Lorraine Gravino2020-04-25T09:06:06+02:00April 24th, 2020|
Update on the repairs currently being conducted on the interconnector Lorraine Gravino2020-02-22T13:21:47+01:00February 22nd, 2020|
Interconnector repairs to commence in the coming days Lorraine Gravino2020-02-14T11:25:45+01:00February 14th, 2020|
“Enemalta provides ample opportunity to broaden my knowledge in the engineering field”Lorraine Gravino2019-07-12T11:57:23+02:00July 12th, 2019|
Enemalta registered the highest electricity demandLorraine Gravino2019-07-11T07:58:49+02:00July 10th, 2019|