The Parsons turbine was turned off for the last time seven years ago


Seven years ago, on February 15, 2015, the turbine CA Parsons, which was unique in its kind for Enemalta, , was decommissioned for the last time.

This steam turbine, which was put into operation at the Marsa Power Station in 1987, was Enemalta’s largest capacity turbine at the time.

The Parsons turbine had a capacity of 60MW, which was twice that of the Marsa Power Station’s steam turbines in service at the time.

Enemalta has always made use of turbines manufactured by leading electrical engineering companies such as General Electric, Westinghouse, and Franco Tosi Meccanica. The CA Parsons turbine is named after Charles Parsons, the inventor of steam turbines, who in 1884, developed this technology and brought about a major change in electricity generation.