About Lorraine Gravino

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So far Lorraine Gravino has created 491 blog entries.

January 2018

When things go wrong


When things go wrong Our customer care and customer technical response teams are constantly trained to assist you when you experience difficulties in using our services.  Power cuts and other [...]

When things go wrong2022-06-06T14:31:59+02:00

Other services


Other services You may need other electricity services from our Company. We are committed to offer these services at a fair price and within a reasonable timeframe. To request [...]

Other services2022-06-08T10:01:53+02:00

December 2017



Our EMS Our Environmental Management System (EMS) comprises a set of operational procedures, or in simpler terms, a way of doing things. It leads to a reduction in the [...]

Our EMS2018-02-06T12:49:04+01:00

ISO 14001 certified


ISO 14001 certified The ISO 14001is an internationally-recognised standard that specifies the latest requirements for an EMS. This allows an organisation to: set up and implement an environmental policy; [...]

ISO 14001 certified2023-08-28T12:36:37+02:00

Our environmental policy


Our Environmental Policy Our Environmental Policy is the foundation of the Environmental Management System. It declares our commitment to environment protection in all its operations.   Download Marsa Power [...]

Our environmental policy2023-06-15T10:07:39+02:00

Environmental permits


Environmental permits Here are some of the environmental permits that we require to operate our electricity distribution and generation infrastructure: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit MPS Greenhouse Gas Emissions [...]

Environmental permits2024-11-11T10:42:23+01:00

Emissions monitoring


Emissions monitoring We record the emission values from all stacks of our electricity generation infrastructure on a daily basis. Our online continuous emissions monitoring system displays information graphically or [...]

Emissions monitoring2018-03-07T14:00:40+01:00

Air quality monitoring


Air Quality Monitoring As part of our commitment to improved air quality in the area of our main electricity generation infrastructure, the Delimara Power Station, we commission air quality [...]

Air quality monitoring2020-09-10T11:49:14+02:00

Electricity safety regulations


Electricity safety regulations Follow the rules... According to the Laws of Malta, every property connected to the national electricity grid (single and three phase installations) shall be equipped with [...]

Electricity safety regulations2024-12-01T18:23:18+01:00
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